Taking a Break....

Thank your stopping by, have a wonderful day!

Wall Traveled | 2018 Senior Rep Team

It’s hard to believe this is my last post of my 2018 Team. I absolutely adore each and every one of these girls.

This was our last team shoot, I called it “Wall Traveled” as we hit up a handful of fun walls down & around Deep Ellum. I have to tell you though, it was INSANELY cold and windy. We were all freezing our tails off on a April morn…it literally felt like the dead of winter. These girls were troopers and embraced the elements.

Dakota, Victoria, Mia, Mary Rose, Erica, Hailey, Ellie & Kylee and families….THANK YOU for giving me the opportunity to get to know you all over the last year and to be a part of this special year. I know you all will do great things, I can’t wait to see where life takes you! I wish y’all the best.


Dakota!Mary Rose!Kylee!Ellie!Mia!Hailey!Erika!Victoria!