Taking a Break....

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Oh the Anticipation | 38.5 weeks Pregnant

Being a Mom is the best thing in the world. I am already so blessed to have two sweet little guys in my life and anticipating the arrival of #3 (aka Baby surprise) any day now!

We can’t wait to find who has been giving me such trouble! I can’t wait to be done. Originally we were thinking we’d have 4, but this pregnancy has been rough, both physically and emotionally. Not to mention I am getting too old, I want to get back in shape and focus on these three.

We knew long ago that with #3 we weren’t going to find out the sex of the baby. Our families are dying to know! We are too, but I can’t wait for the moment when the Dr tells us ‘boy’ or ‘girl’. There are very few positive surprises in life these days.

So many things about this pregnancy have been different. I was REALLY sick in the first trimester, there would be days I would tell my husband ‘I felt like I was dying’. It was horrible. I was sick with both boys, but nothing like that. We had some other things to deal with, I won’t go into those until after we have the baby…maybe. I was able to fit into my regular jeans up until the last month! I got eczema really bad, ONLY on my face! I’ve never had it in my life, ever. It was as if the baby was sucking the life out of me! My sister calls it a baby Renesmee.  This baby isn’t a crazy kicker like the boys were, this one is way more mellow. I’m much smaller in the belly this time. So what does it all mean? If it turns out to be a girl, then that’ll explain why there are so many things different. If it’s a boy, well he really wanted to stick it to me this last time! 🙂

I’ve not had a single dream this pregnancy about what it is, probably because I haven’t allowed myself to go there. I don’t want to take anything away from that moment. If it’s a boy, then I’ve got everything I need. If it’s a girl, well, it will be a mad dash for all things pink and girly!

I can’t say it enough, I will be happy either way. We got a 50/50 chance of boy or girl!

Either way, an absolute Blessing.

Last time I’ll be pregnant & this is my belly. Just a few more days. 🙂