Taking a Break....

Thank your stopping by, have a wonderful day!

Senior Avery | Plano Senior Photographer | Class of 2014

This beauty is such a sweet, sweet girl! I had such a great time with Avery and her Mom, it was as if they were old friends of mine. There was a lot of laughter during our time together. Not to mention, this girl can ROCK the serious face.

So the weather here in Texas is nuts! Lately we’ve had lots of wind, always so much fun to deal with. Seems, we always work around it and get the goods….on with the show, I say!

After Avery graduates in June, she plans on attending the University of Arkansas where she will major in Civil Engineering.

Meet Avery!



plano-senior-photosI love catching my girls crack up, this is not the last you’ll see of Avery laughing. 😉





Plano senior photosAnother one!! 🙂 Gotta get the sillys out before we capture what’s next! 😉


Frisco senior photographerJust stunning.

Frisco senior photographer

Frisco senior photographer

One of my faves. It’s so vibrant, so beautiful.


9 in 90 fun!

9 in 90 frisco senior photographer

Laura & Avery! Thank you for choosing me as your senior photographer. I had so much fun with you two! I wish you all the best Avery!!