You may have noticed a few changes to my site in the last few days. I felt it needed just little pick-me-up, so I gave it one!
Going forward I’ll be framing all my posts, I just updated Logan & the ‘F’ Family posts with these frames. Fun right!?
Because all posts should have a photo or two, I thought I’d add a few from our 8 year anniversary trip to Monterey & Napa. These were taken with my canon point & shoot, I don’t always lug the big beast around. We took the coast, it’s an absolute MUST in life. The views are quite stunning, the drive is long, yes….but worth it!
This photo was at Hopper Creek winery. The guys that own this place are a trip. We did a wine tour with Platypus Tours and I must admit, I was anti when my husband first told me. Turned out to be a BLAST!!! I would recommend to anyone. We toured 4 private wineries in a span of 8 hours and bought lots of wine! I’m hoping to convince my man to renew our vows in Napa for our 10 year!
So! What do you think about the frames?
Check back next week for some Valentines day sweetness!