This stunner is Alex!
Miss Alex reminds me of a girl you’d find on the pages of a Free People Magazine. She’s so carefree, as sweet as can be & the camera adores her. She rocks the heck out of the ‘serious face’. SO! Alex started her session by getting her H&MU done by Sassy, then we were off to one of my fave ‘Woodland’ locations. Oddly enough, I’ve only shot a few seniors there this year. We also shot near some Wisteria, its absolutely heavenly….and bees think so too! BIG BLACK BUMBLE BEES! They were everywhere, sadly I couldn’t get Alex in the Wisteria, but we got as close as we could!
Alex is a senior at Frisco High School where she’s been involved in Track, Cross country & art shows. After she graduates, she will be attending Southeastern Oklahoma State where she will major in Art!
Meet the beautiful Miss Alex!I mean…seriously!!
Love this one!
Those baby blues!
Alex & Emily! Thank you for choosing me as your senior photographer, I’ll never forget your gorgeous session….and the bees! I wish you all the best in OK, can’t wait to see where life takes you!