Taking a Break....

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Author Archives: Julia

Old school fun | Frisco Photographer

I can’t help myself! My lil Miss gets cuter & cuter (well, at least to me)! Playing around and whaddayaknow? We got a few keepers that are too adorable not to share! So here goes…Enjoy! At this point the was mad and plain-ol D.O.N.E. with me! (I had to get it, had to)

Hello September | Frisco Photographer

Rabbit, Rabbit. Is it just me, or is this year flying by!? Summer is over (although it’s still sweltering), school has started and Fall is fast approaching. I’m excited to get back out there and start shooting. Five lovely Class of 2014 Seniors will be hitting my site soon, so be sure to check back...

Congratulations Cassidy

Last night, I sat with much anticipation, my heart beating so fast as I watched one of my past Seniors compete in the Miss Teen USA pageant. First she made it to the top 16, then the top 5, then the final two! Then, there it was….Cassidy is your new 2013 Miss Teen USA!!!  I...

My littles | Frisco Photographer

Playing with my littles, ready to get back out there are start shooting again. In the mean time, I’ve got some pretty stinkin cute subjects right here!  The 14 month gap between these two is starting to close in. Lil Miss is walking, soon to be running after her brothers! Carter is changing so much....

Back to School | Frisco photographer

 Back to school is quickly approaching and I’ve been wanting to do a little something with my soon to be first grader! eeeeeek!!! So! On the hunt for a desk I went. Then the apple, of course it needed to be better than your average apple, so why not a little glitter?! After that, the...