Meet Alexandra…aka Alex! She and her Mom cracked me up! We heard lots of noises in the field. Snakes? Rabbits, squirrels? Who knows!! We were on the lookout for Snakes! Alex and her Mom are not fans, and neither am I! Turned out we were all ok and no snakes we spotted or harmed during...
How cute is little Luca!? He’s got such a great little smile and the best lil cheeks {see below} 🙂 I was so excited to be a part of this milestone session and I love the fact that his Mom brought the BIG balloons. We had two prior to starting, sadly I lost one to a...
Here she is, Miss Jessica! Jess is fun, fresh & funky! She’s a sass and those eyes of hers are fierce! She happened to color her hair on the morning of our shoot (love the color) it looked so great on her, just pops. In the Fall Jessica will be attending Cal State University Northridge where...
Amber contacted me so long ago to book her session. Originally she wanted to do it with her horses, but as it neared time for our session she changed her mind to a location in North county. So glad she did, I sure loved shooting her at this location. Ambers Mom, Dad and little sis...