Meet Kaida! She’s 17 days new here and as perfect as perfect can be!
She came with her Mommy & Daddy on a ridiculously hot day! She was a trooper though, full belly, warm and sleepy. She actually slept the entire shoot, I only got a couple with her eyes open. Lets talk abut her hair…it’s AWESOME and will never again be as it is now.
She’s sure to be spoiled as she’s the first Grand baby…and girl!!! 🙂
Meet sweet lil Kaida!
A sweet lil smirk.
This is my personal fave. Being as cute as can be in her Tutu!
Sweet, sweet family moments.
Brian & Amanda!
Thank you for choosing me as your Newborn photographer, it was wonderful meeting you all! I hope to see you in the future as your family and Kaida grows!