Miss Avery flew in from Texas to San Diego to get her Senior photos done with me and we had the best time!
Her session started with Hair and Make up at her hotel in downtown San Diego by fabulous H&MU artist, Miss Destiny! Once that was complete, we were off to multiples spots in Downtown San Diego. If you know where to look, there are so many amazing walls, hidden nooks & crannies and awesome spots with amazing light and backdrops. We walked and talked and laughed her entire session. After DSD we headed over to the water because it’s a must for a few pics when you’re coming in all that way!
Meet the beautiful Miss Avery!Saw this little gem of a spot driving by, pulled over…parked where I shouldn’t have….got out for 2 min max and got these beautiful shots…
LOVE this one!
Love that she rocked so many jewel colors!
Sittin’ pretty!!
Thank you Sarah & Avery for flying into CA and trusting me with this very special session! I am truly honored!
I have no doubt you are going to do amazing things in life Avery, I can’t wait to see where your journey takes you.