Taking a Break....

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Dylan | Prestonwood Christian Academy

This handsome fella is Dylan. I had the pleasure of shooting his older sister a few years back, it was so nice to see his sweet Mom again and meet his Dad. It was a family affair and it was such a great time! We shot his session in old Frisco and one of my fave little fields, the morning light was glorious after having had days of rain.

So, during D’s shoot I couldn’t figure out who he looked like…then he did something and BAM! It hit me…he looks like a young Tom Cruise. Right!?!

Dylan is a senior at Prestonwood Christian Academy where he’s been on the Varsity Baseball team, Cross Country, Student leadership institute, Lions Scholar, Future problem solvers and Chi Sigma Service. He’s a busy guy!! After he gradutes, he will be attending either Texas A&M or Colorado Christian Academy where he will major in business!

Meet the handsome Dylan!

Love this one!

I mean, he’s a young Tom Cruise look-a-like!

P family! Thank you again for choosing me as your senior photographer, I had a great time with you all. Dylan, I can’t wait to see where life takes you…if you ever need a side job. Look to Hollywood, the camera loves you! Wishing you all the best.
