This beauty is Miss Dakota, she’s as sweet as they come.
D started her session early one morning by getting her Hair and Makeup done with Sassy, from there we were off to Mckinney! Such a great place to shoot, it had been about a year since I’d last been there. Seems every time I go, I discover a new fabulous little spot! Glad D and her Mom were okay to explore a little with me.
Dakota is a senior at Frisco High School where she’s been a cheerleader, NHS, Best Buddies and is involved with Younglife! After she graduates she will be attending either Arkansas or OU where she will major in Psychology.
Meet the beautiful Miss Dakota!
Love this one!!
C & D! I’m honored to be a part of this special year. Thank you for choosing me as your senior photog! I know life has great things in store for you.