Taking a Break....

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Dylan | Frisco high School

This handsome fella is Dylan and doesn’t he remind you of a young Michael Bublé!? I think so…he just has that classic look!

This guy is so sweet, we had such a great time down in Frisco Square for his senior session. We even explored a few new spots together, it woudn’t have mattered where we did his session…the camera absolutely adores this fella!

Dylan is a senior at Frisco High School where he is a part of the drum line and National honors Society. He’s also involved with the Youth group at his Church. After he graduates, he will be attending SMU where he will major in business!

Meet the handsome Dylan!

D doing his thing on the drum!

B & D! I loved my afternoon with you two, thank you again for choosing me as your senior photographer! Wishing you all the best!