Taking a Break....

Thank your stopping by, have a wonderful day!

Senior Vivian | Class of 2014 | Frisco Senior Photographer

Meet Vivian!

We had our shoot back in April, I’ve been so excited to share her session with you all. Our session came complete with hazy skies, crazy wind and a splash of humid! We worked it out and captured so many greats!

This girl is a  lover of Captain American! When we did her 9 in 90, she mentioned she should’ve brought her shield. Yes!! That would’ve been so awesome, (I was temped to have her go home to get it).  Good thing I didn’t, about 30 minutes after our session we were under a tornado watch. The shield could not have protected us from the crazy lightning hovering over Frisco. 😉

After Vivian graduates , she will be attending the University of Texas where she will major in Business, she’s also Pre med.

vivian pham frisco senior photosfrisco-senior-photographerfrisco-senior-photographers-frisco-senior-photographer-1







Absolute perfection!!! I’m going to need this on my office wall. Love it!



 Sasha Fierce!


Then, we have this! Vivian had me in hysterics, she knew exactly what she wanted for her 9 in 9o’s!


Viv! Thanks for choosing me as your photographer. I wish you much success, reach for the stars!