Meet Supermodel winner #2, Justine!
Yes, you read that right, #2. I had so many awesome girls submit, I decided to draw two winners!
Justine is a go-getter! She’s a HS senior and already has her own small business (more about that below) and has been accepted into FIDM, the hard part is which campus she’ll attend. Good problem to have! 😉
Justine, aka ‘Teeny‘ loves the Fashion world and watching ANTM, you’ll see, she brought her fierceness! 🙂
We did this shoot early morning, a little chilly…besides that, perfect.
Meet Justine!
So, Justine makes shorts. It started out, she’s make them for herself and then friends started asking her to make them a pair. Before you knew it, Acidic Affection was born!
When I heard about her business, I knew exactly what I wanted to do, to add a little fun…
Of course, we always have to throw in some fun! 🙂It was really bright at this point, but I really like these two photos…so I’m sharin’ with ya!
I had a great time with you and your Mom, YOU are a star! I’ve no doubt you’ll be a success in the fashion industry. I wish you all the best, reach for your dreams.
Make up by Jules
Hair by Sarah @ Heavens Salon