This beautiful girl is Miss Kylie!
This was such a fun session with K &K. Kylie started out by getting her Hair & Makeup done by Sassy, then from there we are off to Adriatica in Mckinney! By the time we get there, the winds had picked up….to like 22 miles an hour! That’s a lot to work with when my girls have long locks, however! Kylie handled like a champ and it just became so much more fun because of it. We hit from it & waited for the pockets of little to no wind, but then there were the tornado moments! As you scroll, you’ll see a few funny moments.
Kylie is a senior at Frisco High School, after she graduates, she will be attending Oklahoma University!
Meet the fun, fabulous & gorgeous, Kylie!!
Just looking at these makes me laugh!! She was such a good spirit about it!
Isn’t she just beautiful!?
Karen & Kylie!
Thanks so much for choosing me as your senior photographer, I am honored to have been a part of this incredible year. I loved our time together & I wish you all the best in your future!