Meet Sarah & Jason! Sarah is the fabulous hair stylist that does the hair on some of the shoots I’ve done. She is the one who’ll do your hair on the ‘Supermodel’ sessions! Such fun and highly recommended!! To see her work with me, click on the Seniors link and look at the 4 girls there, all hair done by S!
This time is was all about Sarah and her man. We did this shoot at the Poway Railroad. If you’ve never been there, you gotta check it out. It’s really neat. Sometime in December they have a night where Santa & Mrs. Claus come in on the train and lots of crafts for the kids. It’s a must if you have kids, if for nothing else to see Santa and have a warm cup of cider!
Back to Sarah. She came uber prepared. We moved fast and got some great photos for her and her man! After Christmas, I’ll share with you the photos she chose for her holiday cards. But for now, these are the ones I can share. The rest are a surprise for her family and friends.
They wanted one on the train! I think it turned out pretty cute!
What’s Fall without a little Fall fun!?
Check back after the holidays to see their Holiday cards, they turned out so beautiful! I can’t wait to share with you all!!