Taking a Break....

Thank your stopping by, have a wonderful day!

The King Family | Frisco Family Photos

This beautiful family is one of my faves, I wish I saw them more often. Hopefully this is our year to get together more. Each year I seem to go on and on about how big the kids have gotten so much bigger and I swear, they get cuter by the day! This year their session almost didn’t happen. Between the crazy weather we had and games getting rescheduled….well, I’m so glad it worked out! This years photos are just so gorgeous, afternoon sessions for the Kings may be my new fave!! Love this new found little gem of a location, I literally drive by it everyday and had no idea how full of perfection it was.

Here’s the beautiful King fam!

Boho Babes | 2019 Senior Model Team

You guys! I this shoot slipped through the cracks and I completely forgot to blog it, is beyond me! But, Alas! that’s exactly what happened, I guess I was enjoying my summer last year.

So here it is, My first shoot with my Class of 2019 Senior Model Team. We shot this in May of 2018 on a beautiful Sunday Morning. The fabulous people at Shades of Green were kind enough to let us use their property for the shoot, made for the perfect backdrop!So many great little spots and truly an awesome Nursery.

Prior to our shoot, the girls stopped in at the Blue Door Boutique to select their wardrobe and accessories to wear. Everything they’re wearing is from the BDB. Sassy was on hand for H&MU and to apply all the the fun face jewels.

All around it was a great time with these 14 fabulous babes. This was was biggest Model team to date and will forever remain that way. I love to have a smaller group, just because I love time with the girls….as much as I can get. With a huge team like this, it’s hard to get time. Regardless, I adore these girls and I am honored to know the, be apart of their senior year and have them as part of my 2019 Team!

Meet my 2019 Boho Babes!

Thanks again to Shades of Green Nursery, Blue Door Boutique and Sassy!

The Buck Family | Frisco Family

This gorgeous family is one you may have seen before…..I think this is the fourth or fifth time I’ve had the pleasure of shooting their family photos. I love these…I love every year though. I can’t get over how these boys continue to get cuter by the year.

Here’s the handsome Buck Family!

I mean. I die!! 



Wishing you a very Merry Christmas

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! I hope your holiday season is filled with love and laughter.

From my family to yours, we wish you a very Merry Christmas!

Photos by the fabulous Lauren Sellari !

Holiday Spirit | San Diego Senior Photographer

These are some more of my 2019 Senior Reps and again, snow much fun! Just another impromptu shoot for fun…and how cute do they look!? A few of my fabulous Mamas  join us and assist me with some of the fun. It was a perfect winter afternoon, filled with holiday holiday spirit.

Enjoy all the Holiday fun!!!