Taking a Break....

Thank your stopping by, have a wonderful day!

End Of Year Shoot | Class of 2019

I always love this shoot, as it’s the last time I get to see my Seniors before they head off to school. This is just a fun thing I offer exclusively to my Seniors.  Congratulations to ALL Class of 2019 Grads….whether I had the pleasure of shooting your senior photos or not, I wish you the best life has to offer.

“You don’t go to university so you can punch a clock. You go to university so you can be in a position to make a difference.”
—Janet Napolitano

Cheers to you!!!Congratulations Class of 2019!

Congratulations Class of 2019

Congratulations Class of 2019!

Thank you again for allowing me to be a part of your senior year, I am honored to know each and every one of you. I can’t wait to see where life takes you all..I have no doubt, you all are going to do amazing things.

Dream BIG and reach for the stars!Cheers to you & your future!!

Caitlyn | Wakeland High School

I can’t believe this is last 2019 senior I am blogging….and it’s one of my faves!

This was such a fun session in Old Frisco…I feel like we did it all in a 1 mile radius. Miss Caitlyn started her session by getting her Hair and Makeup done by Sassy and then were off for a fabulous time. The camera absolutely loves this girl, I really had to pick my absolute faves to share with y’all as they are that good!

Caitlyn is a senior at Wakeland High School. She is part of a competitive Hip hop dance team in Dallas. After she graduates, she is heading to the University of Kansas.

Meet the beautiful Miss Caitlyn!Stunner!!Smoke bombs are always fun!
I mean, seriously!!LOVE!!K & T! Thank you for sharing a fun filled morning with me, I am honored to be a part of your senior year. Wishing you all the best at Kansas! Hugs!!

Mama & Me | Nicole & Wynnie

These two are just adorable! Miss Nicole is the last of three girls and I love that she chose her Mom for her ‘My Person & Me’ shoot! The camera loves these two and I had such a great time with them. Here are all my faves….

Emma & Maggie

Sweet Emma chose her little sister to do her ‘My Person & Me‘ shoot with and it was just the cutest! These two are so sweet with each other… I’m sure they have their ‘moments’ like sisters do but I haven’t seen it! I’d say little Miss Maggie is going to be super sad when Emma heads across the pond to France for the upcoming year.

So! Just before we were done, I had their Mom hope in on a couple…..wait till you see!Love this one!!