This girl must leave a small trail of ‘Superhero Sophia‘ dust wherever she goes. What do I mean by that? Well, this girls does not lack in the personality department whatsoever. Her quirkiness and laugh are quite contagious. She’s just so full of life & happiness and I think she’s pretty great, I’m sure anyone that knows her would agree.
Sophia started her session by getting H&MU done by Sassy and from there we were off to the woodlands. As soon as we started her session, it hit me on who she resembles. I think Sarah Silverman & Alanis Morisette, you may agree, you may not. No matter, she is absolutely beautiful.
Sophia has been involved in technical theater, she’s a part of her church production crew and plays the guitar. After she graduates from Plano West, she will be attending Ole Miss where she will study Forensic Chemistry.
Meet the beautiful Sophia!
Her superhero stance!
Silly little moments…..
….lead to gorgeousness!
One of my faves, love this one!
Ladybugs & thoughts of her Grandma.
Love this one, could be on the cover of an album!
Sophia & Cassy! Thank you so much for choosing me as your senior photographer, I had so much fun with you two and I’ll never forget SS! I wish you all the best at Ole Miss, I can’t wait to see where life takes you.