Meet Hannah!
She was one of the 23 girls that entered my Senior Supermodel contest I ran over the summer. I’ve completed all 4 of the SSW sessions and I have to tell you, they are all amazing girls. I am blessed to know each of them.
Hannah is such a joy! We talked her entire shoot, about anything and everything. I guess that’s what us girls do best, we chat! 😉
When she graduates next year, she will attend Mizzou will major in Journalism, as she wants to be a Fashion magazine editor.
Meet the delightful & beautiful Miss Hannah!!
Nothing like a Beauty and an ol’ run down beast.
Those eyes!
Just for fun!
One of my faves, love this one, it screams Fall!
Hannah’s 9 in 90 are AWESOME!!!
Thank you Hannah for choosing me to do your Senior photos! I had a great time getting to know you all while shooting away! I wish you all the best!
Hair & MU by Sasha