This senior stunner is Miss Katie!
I had the pleasure of shooting Katie’s older sister last year and this year it was Katie’s turn. Her one request was that her photos be different from her sister. Done! She started her session by getting Hair & Makeup done by Sassy. From the salon, we were off to my most recent fave Woodland location. We couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day. The leaves were starting to turn, making for the perfect backdrop for Katie’s photos and outfit choices. I love this sweet family, the only flaw is I don’t get to spend more time with them.
Katie is a senior at Legacy Christian Academy, where she is a cheerleader. After she graduates, she plans on attending one of the following…Baylor, OU or ATM where she will major in communication.
Meet the sweet & beautiful Miss Katie!
Those colors!!!
Chris & Katie! I had such a great time with you two, you ‘C‘ girls are so great our time together goes too fast! Katie I wish you the very best. I can’t wait to see where you end up. Keep in touch. Hugs!