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Tag Archives: senior guy

Parker | Trinity Christian Academy

This dashing fella is Parker! I’m loving that so many of my guys this year have brought a suit or have been so sharply dressed…. Looks so great in photos, you’ll see as your scroll through P’s session. Parker is a senior at Trinity Christian Academy where he has played Varsity Baseball since his sophmore...

Hunter | Frisco High School

This handsome fellas is Hunter! LOVE the fact that he rocked a bow tie during his session…it was a first and it was awesome! We shot his session in Old Frisco then headed to a nearby field that has glorious light.  Hunter is a senior at Frisco High School where he’s been a lineman on...

Nick | Wakeland High School

I’ve gotta tell you, there is nothing better than when past clients come back to me with their younger siblings. It’s truly the best! This handsome fella is the younger brother to a beautiful girl, Miss Jordan that I shot back in 2015.  My time with Nick and his Mom was awesome….and can we talk...

Will | Legacy Christian Academy

This handsome fella is Will!  We started Wills session in Old Frisco, then moved on to a nearby field. This guy is so much fun to be around, we laughed a lot. I have no doubt that if you’re lucky enough to have this guy in your life, he brings a lot of joy to...

Andrew | Frisco High School

This handsome fella is Andrew! When I tell you he is one of the sweetest guys I’ve had the pleasure of shooting, I truly mean it. I’m sure anyone that knows him, knows exactly what I mean. During Andrews session, I couldn’t place why I felt like I’d met him before. Then, through conversation he...